Little Proclamations of Faith

They always say it’s the little things that make your heart feel a little less heavy and that make your frustrations turn to a smile. Today, it was my daughter. Riding in their car seats on the way to school, the kids were quiet as I was driving, distracted and disgruntled thinking about work, school, life… When, suddenly, my daughter, Lulu, enthusiastically announced “Jesus!” and then, “It’s Jesus song”, and startled me out of my distraction. So, I said, “yes, they are talking about Jesus on the radio, huh?”, which was happily followed by her singing, “Jesus loves me…” (one of her current favorites). A proud mommy moment right there. And, for the remaining 2 minutes of our drive, a smile was drawn across my face as I thought about just how blessed and thankful I am to have my two beautiful, loving children, who remind me that happiness CAN be quite simple. God’s promise is undoubtedly filled through the lives, innocence and insight of little children and their affirmations/proclamations of faith…

Two Tired, Working Parents & Kids ~ Filling the Void

ImageToday is one of those days where having both my husband and I working full time outside the home is really weighing heavily on our family. There’s something about being over-tired and trying to rush your kids out of the house to get to a job that you really don’t want to be at when the kids really don’t want to get up and go to school that makes it really hard to be positive. Wow – that was a lot of really’s. Days like this make me feel so guilty to be working so much, having to leave the kids in their young age with someone else all day and leaving them with the rush, rush, rush, grumpy, irritated, overwhelmed, let’s go now mentality and make me think extra hard about becoming a MAHMA (Mom-At-Home-Making-A Difference) with my Shaklee income. I’m tired of doing this to them. I know that as they get older, school will always be a part of their lives and some day work will be as well. But I want them to see that school and work can be positive. I try to make sure that they know that school is a fun place, where they get to learn and have fun with their friends – and a lot of their perception and attitude comes from T and I’s influence – so how do I make sure that they know that when I’m crying over having to leave them yet again when they seem to really need me home with them on days like today? I need to make a change. 

Yesterday, I received a daily bible message that quoted Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” This got me thinking. Am I serving God in my full-time daily work? Some may say yes as I make sure that the avenues are filled to make sure that employee’s and the company are/is receiving payment for their/our services and so forth. I make a good living and I have been very blessed by the flexibility and opportunity that I have been given to work in my family business. I could take it over some day in the near future and have a very comfortable lifestyle. But, I have a servant’s heart and my heart says no. So, I need to fill that void. I do believe that my void can/could be filled with my Shaklee business as it brings me joy to help people by sharing my passion for health and nutrition so that together we may improve their health, nutrition, lifestyle and feeling their best. When I hear how Shaklee has improved a friend or loved one’s pain, weight loss journey, or overall health I am beyond happy and fulfilled with being a part of that. And, as I progress into helping people create their own business and help them achieve dreams that they never dared or knew to dream, I know that my passion will be multiplied.  And further, when I get to share my earnings with a local non-profit that touches my heart, it excites me to see/hear their thankfulness so I look forward to the days that I get to do that on a bigger and larger scale. I love my Shaklee business. I just need to move beyond my fear and do it. I need to make a change.

That’s my current working story. Now, if we’re being honest, are you working for the Lord?

The Tears of Sadness


Tears well up inside

filling your soul with dread

Want to be left alone;

it’s a dangerous road to tread.

The world passes by

minutes, hours, days;

know you should look to God –

don’t know what to pray.

How do you explain to the ones you love

it’s not them, it’s you?

How do you ask for help

when there’s nothing they can do?

Sadness uncontrolled

no one understands

how do you explain

this dark & desolate land?

Serving God – Saving My Life

thWhy do I do what I do? Why do I eat the way I do, exercise the way that I do, or choose to live my life the way that I do? My motivation is simple. I’m serving God and I’m saving my life. And with that, my husband and children’s lives. It is wonderful that I am able to help and inspire others through my journey, and yes, that can serve as motivation at times to keep going. But, what really keeps me going in the long run, is my need to save me.

I want to be in the best physical and mental shape possible because it makes me feel good and it helps me better serve others. I want to be used as God’s vehicle of inspiration to bring others health, wellness and financial success. I feel at peace when I am working in his power and not in my own selfish desires and I don’t want to lose sight of that in my quest to save myself from myself and from the trials of this world. That is my quest to save my life.

I have come along way, but have a long way to go. My body is my temple. I want to treat it like one. So, my focus to eat healthy, exercise, serve God and serve others is not for show. It’s for God and from there it trickles down. If you are inspired by that ~ thank you. But God is the one you should be looking to for inspiration. If I can help you get there, wherever your there may be, I will, and please, ask me questions. Let’s just do our best not to lose sight of the big picture.

Always and Forever ~


Different, Not Less – A Special Place in my Heart

This weekend, I was again touched by an amazing little boy in our life. As his Dad put it best, he is “Different, Not Less” and he is a spectacular part of all of our lives. He fought a tough journey to come into this world and his innate quality to make a difference is not to be overlooked. Lulu and Westin have a sweet spot for him as does anyone who has the blessing of getting to know him.

different not less

What really touched me in spending time with him again was the power of so few words and seeing his comfort in our home. I was reminded why I loved working with children with special differences. Why, unspoken words are sometimes so much more powerful than those we ramble on. Seeing the kids laugh, dance and play together, I saw joy through the eyes of a child. You don’t have to say anything in order for someone to feel your love. And when words are spoken, something seemingly so simple as the word “cool” takes on a whole new meaning and the grasp of your hand has the ability to melt your heart.

So, I want to say thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes, my heart, and my life – and accepting me into yours. This includes your parents who are working so diligently to do everything they can so that you can have these experiences and know how very much you are all loved. Thank you God for sharing this amazing child with all of us. I love you sweet boy ~ to the ocean’s depth, width and beyond ~ thank you.

Sometimes You Have to Yell at God

Sometimes you have to yell at God

Not because he can’t hear you,

But because you’re afraid he can’t hear your voice

Because he’s not answering your prayers

Because he’s not changing your situation

Because he’s allowing you to feel pain

Because you just need a release.

Sometimes you have to yell at God

Because you just don’t understand.

Don’t worry.

He won’t condemn you for yelling.

He won’t love you any less

For your apparent lapse in faith

Because in yelling at Him or to Him

You are acknowledging that you believe

No matter where you are in your journey

Whether you’re speaking in silence

Crying in anguish

Screaming in anger

Or laughing in celebration

He is listening.

He hears you

And the answer to your prayers

May just be closer than you think

Whether you understand the answer

Is a different force to be reckoned

As sometimes that answer

Seems so far from your desires

An ocean between your wants and needs

But God works in mysterious ways

And He is glorious

If we only have the faith to believe

So don’t silence your prayers

When you don’t get the response you want

When you want it

You are working on God’s time

And His time is the right time

Sometimes you just have to scream

If only

To know that you are being heard

He IS listening


Anxiety, God & Exercise

Trying to exercise when you’re in the middle of a bad anxiety day is like trying to run a marathon with a 20 pound weight tied to each of your feet while moving through quick sand. It just doesn’t work. And even if you do push yourself through it, you struggle. The. Whole. Way. Through. How are you supposed to focus on taking deep breaths to power through your reps when you can’t even catch a full breath in the first place? That was my workout today. Where in the world is my stress relief complex when I need it? Gah!!! I just wanted to exercise to relieve my anxiety and in the mean time, I felt myself becoming more anxious because I was too anxious to breathe correctly. Anxiety sucks. And I really do need my Stress Relief because, yes, I do feel much better after my workout, but I still can’t fully breathe. And maybe, I need to take a moment to re-evaluate what happened next (or both – I’m leaning toward both for the moment)…

God had a message for me today (as he does many days if only I catch it). I checked my email not long after my exercise experience to find this message in my inbox:

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

– Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Today’s commentary
by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor,

The power of faith is that it takes us toward the future with confidence. Since none of us can know what tomorrow holds, faith becomes a powerful friend, for faith holds back the anxieties that can flood our soul. If you find yourself anxious today, take a moment and stop and refresh your perspective. Hope in the unseen can strengthen your heart to face tomorrow.”

I guess I need to practice having a little more faith in God and take a moment to refresh my perspective! And, I also need to refill my office stock of SRC so that I can focus on that moment of refreshment and not let my stress/anxiety take over (this battle really has me going lately, especially when I’m at work)… Can you relate?